Funky Business - Experience Design in Marketing & TV / Film

A man to carry on a successful business must have imagination. He must see things in a vision, a dream of the whole thing.
Jan 292012

With only one week left until the 2012 Super Bowl, it’s high time to build momentum for the ads that will run for an estimated price tag of $3.5 million per 30 seconds of ad time. That’s why we see more ad sneak peeks coming out every day, and they’re just what we would expect them to be: intriguing, memorable and fun

Since Volkswagen’s award-winning commercial, “The Force,” was one of last year’s greatest Super Bowl commercials, here’s a preview of what the Star Wars fans will be enjoying on the 2012 Game Day:
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It will all make sense on February the 5th, WV promises. And the tag line goes without saying for all the other teasers, such as these ones for Kia and Honda:
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Moving on from teasers to full story commercials, it’s definitely worth having a look at the ads that Audi and Suzuki will be rolling out on the 2012 Game Day:
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