Funky Business - Experience Design in Marketing & TV / Film

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27/03/2014 A Football First

Posted by Pink Panther at 14:56
Mar 272014

Love Juventus Choreography

The world’s FIRST SOCIAL DRIVEN CHOREOGRAPHY belongs to leading football club Juventus. Through its innoviative initiative, Juventus gave its numerous fans the chance to get involved in pre-match rituals.
Fans of European football teams often go through extensively choreographed set pieces prior to kick off, generally involving songs and flag waving.
For the game against Inter Milan on 2 February fans could submit their own choreography ideas through a Facebook app, essentially creating a pattern that the fans in the stadium would recreate using coloured pieces of card.
More than 3,000 choreographies were submitted with a 16-year-old boy from Paris being the eventual winner.
There were also 13,500 tweets using the hashtag #LoveJu, some of which were displayed on the stadium’s big screen prior to the game.
Overall it was an innovative and spectacular way of rewarding overseas fans and encouraging them to get involved with the team’s social media feeds.

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